Saturday, February 28, 2015

February Art Giveaway 2015

Boy, life doesn't hesitate to call you out...

Earlier this year... I announced a project...

I honestly didn't know if anyone would even be interested...but January was AWESOME.

Just because you had a poopy year, and it is now a new year, does not mean that things have to improve, that poopy things aren't going to happen. WE define time, but time has no rules. So, long story short, there have been additional poopy events.

Sometimes there is so much happening, you really don't feel like there IS time for anything else but dealing with it. Perhaps it was due to my fantastic chiropractor and massage therapist for allowing me to finally relax for a brief period of time recently, but I remembered how it felt to do the January giveaway... I remembered how excited I was for this project. I generally dislike commitment, but this was different...this was for me, promising to find a way to continue doing what I love, no matter what. I have a lot of things to figure out in the other parts of my life, but I have something I made that I can giveaway, and I have a video camera, and internet access today...which means I can continue this project. So darn it, no excuses! Speaking is not one of my strong points, I'm pretty stuffed up, and there are a million other reasons you may actually find valid for me not feeling like doing this right now... but that's not the point. I'm technically alive...and I have the pieces to make it happen. So here we go...

February... while it is still cold, I've got a pair of fingerless gloves for you! They are knitted with double yarn, which makes them a bit thicker and squishier. I had experimented with this pair, attempting to "draw" with yarn. I chose to do a little blue bird, and intended to add a second blue bird on the cuff of the other glove. If you like what you see, please either go to my facebook or google+ and comment on the video that you want in. The deadline: Wednesday, March 4, at noon (central)... Then watch for a video where I do the drawing live to announce the winner.

I know this wasn't the last test...and I know I may want to stop again, or even feel the need to do so in order to deal with other life things. But hopefully I can keep reminding myself of this very important lesson, to keep doing what I love doing.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

January Art Giveaway 2015

As announced in my previous post, I've decided to do a monthly art giveaway for 2015! This idea was a bit delays, so January is going to have to share a few days with February.
So here we go...The gift: an Echo painting!
These paintings are made mostly, if not completely, from repurposed material. The backing allows for complete freedom when deciding which way is up. Everyone sees something different in these, so YOU decide. ;)
I've created a video for this giveaway, but will also write it out below for those who would may be unable to watch it in video form... Additional rules not covered in the video will also be included below.
I've selected 3 echoes for participants to choose from.
Pick ONE :)

Entries can be submitted on my facebook artist page or google+  Simply comment on the giveaway video with your choice :) The deadline is Monday, February 2, 2015, at 7pm (central).
A few ground rules:
  • There may be some shipping restrictions to countries outside of the USA -- if this prevents me from shipping it to you, I will unfortunately have to pick a runner up. 
  • You can enter for multiple giveaways, but you can only win ONCE. The exception: if no one enters a giveaway, or if the only people who enter are previous winners, you will then be eligible to win again, so go ahead and put your name in for any of them that you really like!
  • If a giveaway has multiple options, you may only choose one. The other options will be for sale and added to the online store ( ). If you would like to purchase any of the other pieces and have them sent with the piece you won, we can make arrangements.
  • I've been trying to be more eco-friendly, and would like to encourage winners to consider passing the art on to other art lovers or sending it back if you decide to ever part with the piece.
 Here are your options, one more time...

Winners: I would love if you'd send me a photo of how you end up displaying the pieces or you with the piece or whatever, though it is not a requirement.
I'm so excited to begin this project. Thanks for checking it out!